We at Birmingham SmartCare have a fantastic well being service which we offer to our patients.

Patient Satisfaction
Next Session at Sparkhill Hub is on
Our Service
Welcoming and Inclusive:
We seek to provide a safe space for our community where all are welcome. We embrace diversity, celebrating the way in which people of different faiths or no faith can work together to bring about positive change in the lives of individuals and the community. We treat all who come to the Project with respect and warmth and recognise each person as an individual.
We recognise and value the unique insights and experiences of members of our community. We seek to ensure that the views of all those who have an interest in the Project inform the continuous development of our services.
We seek to contribute to the transformation of the lives of individuals, families and the wider community. We show compassion in our work, and strive to meet people at their point of need. We seek to get alongside people to share their stories, and offer support.
Our community deserves the best we can give them; therefore, we recruit professionally qualified staff on the basis of their skills, knowledge and experience. We welcome and value the contribution of our trained volunteers who greatly enhance our services. We have policies and procedures in place to help us achieve our aims and objectives.
We look for the best in people and seek to empower them to use their strengths to take charge of their own lives and to support others. We are all on a journey of life-long learning. We learn through our daily life and work, as well as through discussion, reflection, practice and education. We accept mistakes and apologies, and encourage others by showing change and growth in ourselves.
Please speak to your registered GP practice if you would like to be referred into our well-being service.
What is the aim of social prescribing?
Often patients present at GP practices with non-medical related issues e.g. housing, debt advice etc. These issues frequently impact on an individual’s wellbeing; and if the patient has a long-term condition, this further erodes into their wellbeing, and therefore further makes managing their long-term condition even more challenging. The aim of this novel programme is to support individuals and GP practices with the concept of well-being and address some of the issues highlighted.
The focus of this scheme is on people who are isolated, facing physical or lower mental ill-health. These factors often result in individuals lacking confidence, and the inability in some circumstances to develop skills or qualifications. The project will aim to work with such individuals to empower them to manage such challenges and move forward.
This unique model of integrated services forms the basis of social prescribing and enables people to tackle both immediate and deep-rooted issues.
Birmingham Smartcare will aim to link in with individuals who have the potential to develop volunteer skills, to go on to support the wider community. In doing so this will enable those individuals to develop and learn new skills and improve their wellbeing.